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My place to discuss family matters, updates on our loved ones, like dad, dealing with terminal cancer. And mom, who lives with me. I love taking care of her too. We're all animal lovers.

ME & Andy, 2007 @ Amber's Graduation

ME & Andy, 2007 @ Amber's Graduation
After All These Years!

Danny, My Only Son!

Danny, My Only Son!
He's In The Navy!

My Oldest Daughter, Kim

My Oldest Daughter, Kim
Kim, Meloncholy... age 30

Azia, Target Practising?

Azia, Target Practising?
My Daughter, Azia, age 22

My Daughter, Amber, age 18

My Daughter, Amber, age 18
Amber's Cute Face!

The Baring Park Under Snow Jan 2008

The Baring Park Under Snow Jan 2008
Gorgeous, Otherwise!

The Port At Everett

The Port At Everett
A nice sunny day with my girls in Everett

My Parents, Bob & Jeanette Frazier

My Parents, Bob & Jeanette Frazier
ReUnion Of Peace, 2008

My Identical-Twin Uncles

My Identical-Twin Uncles
Larry on left, Jerry on right. Turned 70 on May 21st.

Me, About 14 mos Old

Me, About 14 mos Old
With My Uncle's Military Cap

My Grandson Calob--Isn't He Adorable?

My Grandson Calob--Isn't He Adorable?
Calob, abt. 21 mos.

A Video About Creating Free Flash Headers Of Your Own...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Another Beautiful Day In Baring!

It's another gorgeous day! Mom and I were planning to go over and meet our neighbors at Lake Wenatchee but I'm not sure if we'll make it or not. Maybe in a while.....

I talked to Danny, Uncle Jerry, and dad yesterday. Dad's doing all right- his back has him one step away from a wheelchair. He has advanced degenerative arthritis they didn't catch because the pain was assumed to be from chemo until it was stopped and the pain worstened- that's when they found the arthritis.

Uncles Larry and Jerry successfully turned 70 on the 21st of this month. They are obnoxiously cute as usual! I'm looking for a few pictures of them and will post them when I do.

Danny finally mentioned a girlfriend! I wonder when I get to meet her!

I think I'll watch those podcasts he's been wanting me to watch on relativity and special relativity- I think that's what they were about! He's got some very curious questions about the sun and the amount of oxygen it contains and how he doesn't believe there's enough oxygen to keep the sun burning..... Fascinating; anyone have input on that?

Kim's working at Home Depot now and loving it! I'm so glad she quit the Chevron! They were about to use her all up with nothing left over for her family. Way to go Kim!

I, of course, still have not found my camera.


I'm going to finish this posting in a new one because I'm having a problem with this stupid font sizing. It won't shrink so see you in a minute!



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Kim Right After She Got Her License

Kim Right After She Got Her License
In Tammy's Camaro With Louie


At 10 Weeks Old. Isn't he adorable?

Woody, Azia, Erika

Woody, Azia, Erika
Family Photo, 2004(?)

Grandma With 3 Of Her Grandkids

Grandma With 3 Of Her Grandkids
I Love This Picture!

Our Very Own Steve

Our Very Own Steve
While Living In Ajo, Arizona

Great-Grandma Vera & Azia

Great-Grandma Vera & Azia
At Grandma's B-Day Brunch, 1991

Amber In Her Walker...

Amber In Her Walker...
Doing A Jergens Commercial!

Me & Tom,

Me & Tom,
About 7 years ago.

Azia, Picking On Steve

Azia, Picking On Steve
At The House On 105th in Everett

My Silly Daughters

My Silly Daughters
Waiting For Amber's Results.....

Son-In-Law Aaron & Bandit

Son-In-Law Aaron & Bandit
Aaron, Grinning & Bandit, Bowed

My Daughter, My Grandson

My Daughter, My Grandson
Amber, 18; Calob, 21 mos.

Amber, 6 months pregnant.

Amber, 6 months pregnant.
Amber & Jazzie, In My Backyard- April 2008

The Worst Of Me; Granddaughters Look Great!

The Worst Of Me; Granddaughters Look Great!
Angela, Me, Erika

Sadie Not-So-Lady-Like!

Sadie Not-So-Lady-Like!
Sadie, Kicking Back...


Sadie Our Lady, A Li'l Fraidy!

Holly Caught Napping....

Holly Caught Napping....
In The Dryer! Crazy Cat!

About Me

My photo
My name is Carol McCrow and I live in the Pacific Northwest. I work at home both as caregiver to my live-in mom and as an independent affiliate and advertiser online. I enjoy meeting others online that are doing similar work. I have much to accomplish yet and am working hard to keep focused and stay on a positive road toward success. I also have an overwhelming compassion for animals- especially the ones we domesticate and teach to rely on us. It means EVERYTHING to me that our pets get the quality care they deserve and need.